The Best You.

Being the best you requires you to be at your best. In order to be at your best, you need to be confident in yourself, you need to happy with yourself , you need to discipline yourself and you need to believe in yourself. Self doubt and low self esteem cannot produce the best you. You cannot give what you don't have, this simply means, if you are not at your best, you cant give your best to anyone around you.
I see people trying to compare themselves to others. Most times people are busy competing and trying to be someone else, you cant be your best you by doing that.
For me personally, I do not compete with anyone at all, rather am in competition daily with myself. I strive to be a better version of what I was yesterday. That way am always at my best rather than competing with others. Am unique in my own special way, also , I do not have the same specification or requirements with anyone so why should I compete with you?
When am being a better version of myself, am at my best. When am at my best, am able to give my best to everything around me, be it work, my children, emotional health, physical health etc.
My point here is , try to be the best you. Are there things at the moment that are not worth your time, try and re evaluate those things so that your are not wasting time on them, this life is not a dress rehearsal, you just get one life and that's it. Make it count. Time is a currency that can never be recovered once spent.
So, in all you do, try and be at your best and be the best you. Do the things that you find fulfilment with. The best you is the best that you can ever give to anyone around you that is deserving of your time.
Sending you lots of love and hugs.
Catch you on the next blog.